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·优秀影人:浙江摄影家蓝小明(2011.1.24-2011.2.6)  ·充满外星色彩的新疆地貌  ·瑞士日内瓦风光  ·探访民间故宫:湖南岳阳张谷英大屋  ·江浙多地出现集中退房 专家称可能因投资客撤退  ·四川青城山——纵横千百年的道教“博物馆”  ·石景山游乐园——北京的迪斯尼乐园  ·“生态·环保”CCN摄影月赛投稿开始 精彩作品立即上传喽  ·2009中国城市竞争力排行榜出炉 香港居首北京第三  ·西藏日喀则的最大寺庙:扎什伦布寺  ·辽宁大连胜利广场[高清图片]  ·每周影人:广东摄影家田战(2009.10.26-2009.11.1)  ·万园之园——北京圆明园遗址公园  ·广西北海涠洲岛——中国最大的火山岛  ·辽宁大连旅顺老铁山海防炮台[高清图片]  

Real deal towns name- Dazhuang town. The accurate definition of folder title. - back in wild west USA 1800-1900 era. One horse town means small town. Towns were judged by number of horses owned. This presented town – ca...

Rural-land Journal– CN.94
East bound from Linyi main highway - landscape that follows graceful Yi-river also bridge styles captivated in frame of highways in this area – excellent roads with planted mixed styles ...

Dot – city    Journal – CN.52  
As in Xinghai Square “dot com”, study in overlapping functions example negative filter areas. Postcard cityscape type. Wide angle lens contributing toward the c...

Fun rides - Journal – CN.53
Dalian fair – ground in Xinghai Square. Study of pure pursuit in fear or – opportunity to scream.
The rides being little used as end of season. Fun – rides meld emotion fantasy...

Linyi – CBD Journal– CN.101
City area in Shandong province inland besides Yi-river - clean tree lined city with lower high rise building. Le Johnno – Oct – 2011

Dalian labor park central city. Well known guy world wide. Photo study focused on subject at work - taken some 500 meters away with 850mm zoom lens.
Emphasizes few customers normally Mr mouse pulls in he crowds of ...

State highway – some clown throws out car window – used can. Happens all over China each day. We track the cans life – three cars and three minutes later the can is flat pile of junk. But there is more –some twenty o...

Labor park central city Dalian. Collective study of balanced and sustainable trees domestic and foreign. Located close to tall commercial buildings as back drop scene.   Adds to all beautiful scenery within this ...

    在这次的内蒙之行中,这个位于鄂尔古纳河畔的中俄边境小镇,美好和神奇的室韦, 是给我留下最深刻印象的地方。



一次又一次  梦里潆洄

一幢又一幢  断墙残壁

一幕又一幕  老泪孤影



涂抹在卢沟桥头 每一个石狮的头部

萦绕着  ...

    ……到了陕西、到了延安,假如不顺便再到黄河的壶口瀑布看看,那真是一件不大不小的“憾事”。因为在壶口瀑布,你能够看到、感受到“黄河之水天上来”的胜境。        从延安去...


Landscapes – coastal walk – low water – Auckland east coast beaches – North Island – NZ
The composition of vertical and horizontal lines within these images establishes rhythm that acts as counterpoint to the ...


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